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Winter CSA Newsletter Week #5, Nov 26 - Dec 2, 2023 “A” week

Newsletter Table of Contents:

  1. This Week’s Shares with Guides & Recipes- VEG, MES, EGG, APPLE

  2. Recipes

  3. Field News & Photos from the Week


VEG SHARES (see FULL and HALF list for which share has what, how much, along with info, guides, recipes)


RADISHES with GREENS (1 bunch) - Separate radish from leaves for storing! Keep the greens in a loosely wrapped plastic bag in the crisper bin of your refrigerator and eat them soon. Store the colorful roots in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for a week or so. Eat them raw with a sprinkle of salt, slice into salads or on sandwiches for added crunch, pickle or roast with carrots. Guide & Recipes

BABY GINGER (1/4 lb) - Baby ginger is much milder than mature ginger. Ways to use it: Grate it into stir-fries and soups for a mild, warming spice, blend it into smoothies or homemade popsicles, make a soothing, sweet-spiced tea, perfect for cozy evenings, simmer with sugar to make a ginger syrup, make a zesty salad dressing with minced baby ginger, olive oil, vinegar, and honey, or add it to muffin or cookie batter for a subtle warmth and aroma in your baked goods. More ideas & recipes in the Recipe Section below. Storage: Baby ginger is best stored in the fridge. It will last around 2 week before you should dry it or pop it into the freezer. In the freezer, it will last months, just grate some off for your next recipe. from Central Farm and not certified organic BUT grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers

ADIRONDACK BLUE POTATOES (2 lb) - Blue flesh and skin with a slight purple tint. Great flavor, hold color when cooked, and contain lots of healthy anthocyanins. This variety is good for boiling, baking, and mashing, and can be usedfor brightly coloured salads. Store in a paper bag in your pantry or on the counter for a month. from Mythic Farm Guide & Recipes

CHIOGGIA BEETS (2 lb) - Pronounced kee-OH-gee-uh after a town in Northern Italy, and also known as “Candy Cane” or “Bullseye”, Chioggia have an especially sweet and mild earthy flavor—and don’t ‘bleed’ as much as regular beets. You can use them just like red beets. Often put in salads to showcase their eye-catching stripes. If boiling, add a little bit of lemon juice or white vinegar to prevent the stripes from fading! Remove tops and store separately from the roots otherwise the beet roots will soften. Store in the fridge in a plastic bag for months. from our farm and Red Door Family Farm Guide & Recipes

MIXED GREENS (1/4 lb) A mix of greens including  turnip, spinach, Asian green "Tokyo Bekana". Use as salad greens or braise. Store in a plastic bag in the fridge. Technically considered a “First Priority Vegetable” like lettuce, these are more hardy than others, and will often keep for a couple of weeks. They can also be boiled, steamed, and microwaved. However, they will cook down quite a bit so this smaller amount, eating fresh in salads, sandwiches, BLT’s, burgers, tacos, pitas, pizza, scrambled eggs, stir fries, etc. may be a better option.

GREEN CABBAGE (3 small) - Store this in your fridge. Cabbage keeps for quite a while. (If the outside leaves get yellow or floppy, just peel them off and discard to reveal good cabbage underneath!) Shred it for cole slaw or sauerkraut. Saute it with some garlic and olive oil for a tasty side dish. from Steadfast Acres Guide & Recipes

GARLIC (1 bulb) - Ready to be used now or later, this is “cured”, or dried garlic, and as such should be stored on your counter out of direct sunlight.


WINTER SQUASH - one of the following Sunshine Kabocha, Butternut, Autumn Frost

HALF SHARE: (see Full VEG Shares above⬆ for info on each item)

RADISHES with GREENS (1 bunch) 

BABY GINGER (1/8 lb)



GREEN CABBAGE (2 small) 

GARLIC (1 bulb)



This week is at LEUCC. (Next week is Wednesday Home Deliveries)

FULL : 1 chicken, 1 ground beef, 2 doz eggs, 1 vanilla, 1 syrup/honey

HALF: 1 chicken, 1 ground beef, 1 doz, 1 vanilla, 1 syrup/honey


EGG SHARE Weekly Shares = 1 Dozen Biweekly Shares = 1 Dozen



Click the link to go to a printable pdf of the recipe.

One of our meals this week was ham and roasted squash. I fried some carrots and beets to go with. They are a crowd favorite at our house, and I love the bright colors!


Field News & Photos:

Fields look wintery with a coat of snow.

This section of rye cover crop is still green! Rye doesn't mind the cold unlike me! Brrrr!

Kale stalks - stripped of their last leaves when the cows came through the vegetable fields - resolutely stand watch.

Can you see the 3 mounds where Bill and Aidan planted apple trees this fall? The summer was so dry, they didn't dare put them in the ground until fall. We hope it wasn't too late for them to get established but won't know for sure until next spring. (fingers crossed)

Some of this snowy and hardy spinach is in your share this week.

Crumpled snow and ice a day after Aidan and the snowmobile belt rode over it.

November evening moon through the woven wire fence.

~ ~ ~

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