Winter CSA Newsletter Week #25 Apr 28- May 4, 2024 “A" week

Bill mowed the asparagus fields in anticipation of harvesting next week! Shortening the grasses will make it easier to spot the stalks as the pop up. We can't wait! (Well, maybe Marlee can as she's not a fan of picking asparagus. Lol.)
(Photo of the "Default" FULL Share below. See listings to see which share size has what, how much, along with info, guides, recipes.)

SPINACH (1/4 lb) - This green is very versatile (and YES! You can eat the stems, in fact they are very tasty too. ;) It can be eaten cooked or raw, requires little prep, works with sweet or savory ingredients, stands up to other hearty ingredients, and pairs well with rich, fatty foods such as cheese, butter, bacon, and cream. Raw is popular in salads with, or without, pecans, dried fruit such as cranberries, chunks of cheese, sunflower seeds, and roasted beets. Other possibilities are steaming, boiling, stir-frying, or sautéeing with butter or olive oil. Known as a longer keeper than lettuce, store in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for a week or more. Note - Cooks down in size considerably. Guide & Recipes
RHUBARB - (1 lb) - These tart green & magenta stalks this hardy perennial vegetable is generally thought of as a fruits. It’s mouth puckering goodness is often sweetened with a little sugar or honey and is used in dishes like crisps, compotes, and pies (from which it gets its second name, "pie plant"). Rhubarb also lends a fruitiness to savory dishes and pairs very nicely with pork and poultry. To use: wash and trim off any dry ends. Some peel the skin but there’s no need to do this and besides it holds lots of color and flavor. Store in loose plastic in the crisper drawer of the fridge, where it will keep for about a week or a little more. To freeze, cut the rhubarb stalks into 1-inch chunks and seal in an airtight bag and it will keep for up to a year.
ARUGULA/ASIAN GREENS MIX (3 oz.) - Peppery green. Arugula is more perishable than spinach and should be enjoyed first item you eat from your share. Store in the fridge inside a perforated plastic bag.
ADIRONDACK BLUE POTATOES (1 lb) - Blue flesh and skin with a slight purple tint. Great flavor, hold color when cooked, and contain lots of healthy anthocyanins. This variety is good for boiling, baking, and mashing, and can be used for brightly coloured salads. Store in a paper bag in your pantry or on the counter for a month. Guide & Recipes (from Mythic Farm - organic)
CHIVES (1 bunch) - Chives, with long, pencil-like, thin edible leaves with hollow centers and also edible purple flowers, belong to the allium family, making them relatives of onions, leeks, scallions, and garlic. They are typically chopped and are most often used as a garnish but are good on just about anything. Their flavor pairs well with any savory dish. and the bright green color adds visual appeal as well. Note: if added to a dish too early, they will wilt easily. Chives will keep a few weeks in the fridge in a plastic bag although quality will be better if used within a week.
GREEN GARLIC (1 bunch) - Use anywhere you’d use garlic. Stronger that regular garlic when used fresh, but milder when heat is added. (Note - if you chop or mince ahead of time, oxidation can cause the garlic to turn bright green or blue. It’s still usable.)
PEA SHOOTS (3 oz.) - Pea Shoots are microgreens, or baby pea seedlings, that smell & taste like peas. They are versatile and can be used like fresh salad greens (they pair well with parmesan cheese & lemon!), stir fried lightly, used in sandwiches, on pizza, or as a garnish. Store in a plastic bag or wrapped in a slightly damp towel for about a up to two weeks. Guide and Recipes (2 different PDF’s)
HALF VEG SHARE: (see Full VEG Shares above⬆ for info on each item)
SPINACH (¼ lb)
RHUBARB - (1 lb)
CHIVES (1 bunch)
Other ITEMS available in "Design My Share"
MILD CHEDDAR CHEESE (8 oz) Semi-hard Cheddar that carries a tanginess along with smooth, consistent flavor. Great table cheese used for grating or grilling. Pairs well with: Champagne or Chardonnay *NOT organic. (from Meister Cheese)
HAVARTI CHEESE (6 oz) A semi-soft with a creamy texture and mild buttery flavor. Pairs well with: any soft wine. *NOT organic. (from Meister Cheese)
PEPPER JACK CHEESE (6 oz) - A semi-soft Monterey Jack with the delicate flavors of jalapeno peppers. Pairs well with: Sauvignon blanc wine. *NOT organic. (from Meister Cheese)
CARROTS (1 lb, roots) - Store the roots dry and unwashed in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for up to 4 weeks. (from Red Door Family Farm - organic) Guide & Recipes
Beets Store in the fridge in a plastic bag for months. Guide & Recipes (from Red Door Family Farm - organic)
Purple Top Turnips Store in a plastic bag in the refrigerator where they'll keep for a long time. Delicious roasted.
Daikon Radish Daikons are generally milder than regular table radishes. Store dry in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for weeks - these are long keepers!. Radishes are also delicious roasted - our favorite way to eat them - because it takes out their heat and makes them sweeter! Try also sliced in rounds or matchsticks with your favorite dip or hummus. Adds crunch and great flavor to any stir fry recipe. Guide & Recipes
All Purpose Bolted Flour
Fermented Kimchi (mild) - This is our first attempt at this fermented tangy Korean side dish, and it’s missing ginger and fish sauce. (Maybe we should be calling it Kimchi-ish!) We intend future batches to include those. However it’s still good. Store in fridge. It’ll keep several months and is chock full of healthy probiotics. Makes a great side dish, condiment with burgers or brats, or addition to a salad or breakfast.
Fermented Sauerkraut Store in fridge. This will keep several months and is chock full of healthy probiotics! Makes a great side dish, condiment with burgers or brats, or addition to your sprout salad! We each eat a spoonful every day.
Week 1 of the rotation so MES is for LEUCC
FULL: 2 Dozen Eggs
HALF: 1 Dozen Eggs
WEEKLY = 1 Dozen
BIWEEKLY = 1 Dozen
On the Farm

Laying hens are loving scratching through woodchips and sawdust around the wood pile. Who knows what tasty delights are under all that - blech for us but yum for them!)

The raspberry plants we just transplanted a couple weeks ago are sprouting, and we love to see it! I bet you do too. :)

So much is sprouting - here are carrots barely germinated! First the lettuces and radishes came up. Then the beets, our signal that the slow germinating carrots wouldn't be long and here they are.
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