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Summer CSA Newsletter Week #3 June 16-22, 2024 “A" week

Introducing ➡➡➡➡➡ Snap Peas 2024!


(Photo of the "Default" FULL Share below. See listings to see which share size has what, how much, along with info, guides, recipes.)


LETTUCE MIX (1/4 lb) - Store in a plastic bag in your fridge. We consider it a “1st Priority Vegetable” and recommend you use it within the first 3 days, as it has a short shelf life. (Although our freshly harvested lettuce will often last a week or sometimes even more!) Guide & Recipes

ASPARAGUS (1 lb) - Can be eaten raw or cooked many ways—roasted, grilled, steamed, boiled, pan-roasted, fried and can be added to pasta, salads, soups, and stir-fries.Steam with butter or hollandaise sauce, blanch and chill with a vinaigrette, herbs, or other dressing. Generally speaking, thicker spears are better for roasting, grilling, and stir-frying, and thinner stalks are traditionally left whole so their tender, meaty texture can be appreciated. Trim before cooking by holding the ends and bending the spear until it breaks somewhere in the middle; everything from the middle up will be tender enough to eat easily. Store in the fridge either in a vase of water (cut a sliver off the stalk ends first if they are dried) or store them in a loosely wrapped plastic bag in the crisper drawer. Just remember that the sooner you eat it, the better the flavor. Asparagus can also be blanched and then frozen although it will be more mushy when thawed - perfect for soup! Pickling is another option. from our farm and New Forest Farm

GARLIC SCAPES - (1 bunch) These are the curlicue curiosities in your box. Store them in a plastic bag in your crisper. They’ll last about 2-3 weeks. You can trim off the bottom inch of the scape (if it’s woody) as well as the flowering tip (although that is also edible if you want to try it). Steam, saute, or grill them whole or chopped in pieces, similar to green beans, with some olive oil and salt/pepper. Or finely chop as a garlic substitute. Can also be sliced and included in fresh dishes - like you’d use green onions. Can also pickle or chop and freeze them in a Mason jar or Ziplock bag. Then you can use them all summer/winter as needed.

ARUGULA/TATSOI MIX (3 oz) - Peppery greens.  Arugula is more perishable than lettuce and often only last about 4 or 5 days. This should be the first item you eat from your share. Store in the fridge.

PEA SHOOTS (3 oz.) - Pea Shoots are microgreens, or baby pea seedlings, that smell & taste like peas. They are versatile and can be used like fresh salad greens (they pair well with parmesan cheese & lemon!), stir fried lightly, used in sandwiches, on pizza, or as a garnish.  Store in a plastic bag or wrapped in a slightly damp towel for about a up to two weeks.  Guide and Recipes (2 different PDF’s)

SUGAR SNAP PEAS - Snap the top and pull down to remove string, then eat pod & all! Guide

RUSSET POTATOES-  Fully russeted skin with dry, white flesh perfectly suited for classic baked potatoes.  from Mythic Farm  Guide & Recipes

HALF VEG SHARE: (see Full VEG Shares above⬆ for info on each item)

LETTUCE MIX (1/4 lb)


GARLIC SCAPES - (1 bunch)





  • LETTUCE (1/4 lb)

  • GARLIC SCAPES (1 bunch)

  • ADIRONDACK BLUE POTATOES (1 lbs) - Blue flesh and skin with a slight purple tint. Great flavor, hold color when cooked, and contain lots of healthy anthocyanins. This variety is good for boiling, baking, and mashing, and can be used for brightly coloured salads. Store in a paper bag in your pantry or on the counter for a month. Guide & Recipes (from Mythic Farm - organic)



Week 3 of the rotation so MES is for LEUCC

FULL: 2 pkgs Ground Beef, 1 Ham Steak, 1 pkg Bacon, 1 pkg Breakfast Sausage, 1 pkg Beef Brats, 2 doz Eggs, 1 Maple Syrup

HALF: 1 pkg Ground Beef, 1 Ham Steak, 1 pkg Bacon, 1 pkg Breakfast Sausage, 1 pkg Beef Brats, 1 dz Eggs, 1 Maple Syrup



WEEKLY = 1 Dozen

BIWEEKLY = 1 Dozen



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