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Summer CSA Newsletter Week #1 June 2-8, 2024 “A" week

We're all spending lots of time harvesting asparagus this time of year. (And eating it too;)

There'll probably just be a couple more weeks of it so be sure to enjoy it now!


(Photo of the "Default" FULL Share below. See listings to see which share size has what, how much, along with info, guides, recipes.)


SPINACH (1/2 lb) - This green is very versatile (and YES! You can eat the stems, in fact they are very tasty too. ;) It can be eaten cooked or raw, requires little prep, works with sweet or savory ingredients, stands up to other hearty ingredients, and pairs well with rich

, fatty foods such as cheese, butter, bacon, and cream. Raw is popular in salads with, or without, pecans, dried fruit such as cranberries, chunks of cheese, sunflower seeds, and roasted beets. Other possibilities are steaming, boiling, stir-frying, or sautéeing with butter or olive oil. Known as a longer keeper than lettuce, store in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for a week or more. Note - Cooks down in size considerably. Guide & Recipes

LETTUCE MIX (1/4 lb) - Store in a plastic bag in your fridge. We consider it a “1st Priority Vegetable” and recommend you use it within the first 3 days, as it has a short shelf life. (Although our freshly harvested lettuce will often last a week or sometimes even more!) Guide & Recipes

ASPARAGUS (2 lb) - Can be eaten raw or cooked many ways—roasted, grilled, steamed, boiled, pan-roasted, fried and can be added to pasta, salads, soups, and stir-fries.Steam with butter or hollandaise sauce, blanch and chill with a vinaigrette, herbs, or other dressing. Generally speaking, thicker spears are better for roasting, grilling, and stir-frying, and thinner stalks are traditionally left whole so their tender, meaty texture can be appreciated. Trim before cooking by holding the ends and bending the spear until it breaks somewhere in the middle; everything from the middle up will be tender enough to eat easily. Store in the fridge either in a vase of water (cut a sliver off the stalk ends first if they are dried) or store them in a loosely wrapped plastic bag in the crisper drawer. Just remember that the sooner you eat it, the better the flavor. Asparagus can also be blanched and then frozen although it will be more mushy when thawed - perfect for soup! Pickling is another option. from our farm and New Forest Farm

RADISHES with greens (1 bunch) - Separate radish from leaves for storing! Keep the greens in a loosely wrapped plastic bag in the crisper bin of your refrigerator and eat them soon. Store the colorful roots in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for a week or so. Eat them raw with a sprinkle of salt, slice into salads or on sandwiches for added crunch, pickle or roast with carrots. Guide & Recipes

ADIRONDACK BLUE POTATOES (2 lbs) - Blue flesh and skin with a slight purple tint. Great flavor, hold color when cooked, and contain lots of healthy anthocyanins. This variety is good for boiling, baking, and mashing, and can be used for brightly coloured salads. Store in a paper bag in your pantry or on the counter for a month. Guide & Recipes (from Mythic Farm - organic)

BEETS (1 lb) - Store in the fridge in a plastic bag for months.  Guide & Recipes 

HALF VEG SHARE: (see Full VEG Shares above⬆ for info on each item)

SPINACH (1/4 lb)

LETTUCE MIX (1/4 lb)


RADISHES with greens (1 bunch)


BEETS (1 lb)

OPTIONAL ITEM: 1 dozen EGGS and/or extra Lettuce (1/4 lb)



Week 1 of the rotation so MES is for Odana Rd, Jacobs Way, Big Sky, Wild Hills Winery, and SGFM

FULL: 2 pkgs Ground Beef, 1 Ham Steak, 1 pkg Bacon, 1 pkg Breakfast Sausage, 1 pkg Beef Brats, 2 doz Eggs, 1 Maple Syrup

HALF: 1 pkg Ground Beef, 1 Ham Steak, 1 pkg Bacon, 1 pkg Breakfast Sausage, 1 pkg Beef Brats, 1 dz Eggs, 1 Maple Syrup



WEEKLY = 1 Dozen

BIWEEKLY = 1 Dozen



Click the link to more easily print recipe.

On the Farm

Some of the seedlings out in the field - fennel, green beans, kohlrabi, tomatoes, and summer squash.

And a few of the snow peas are blossoming!

The first planting of them isn't super robust, so it remains to be seen if there'll be enough pods to include in shares soon.

If not, don't despair as the second planting of peas is coming up pretty fast also so it won't be long!

~ ~ ~ ~


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