About Us

Bill grew up just down the road from our farm and is happiest in the woods collecting maple sap or on a tractor doing some kind of job like cultivating vegetables, spreading compost, or moving hay bales across the field.
He comes from a long line of market farmers. Some of his fondest memories are of helping his grandma in her large garden.
He's motivated to figure out how things work and has an aptitude for fixing them if they break. And that's a handy skill for a farmer.
In his downtime he likes to play games, hunt moral mushrooms, and go fishing with his kids.

Stacey grew up on a dairy farm between Spring Green and Plain - a little farther away than Bill, but not much.
Her farming dreams began as a little girl, when she tagged behind her dad while he did milked cows..
Growing healthy food on the farm became a high priority after her kids were born. It didn't hurt that she became good friends with a CSA vegetable farmer who taught her much about CSA.
She is happiest surrounded by family
and friends, reading or dancing.

Stacey sums up the MFH story in a 5 minute Savor the River Valley event on 10.15.24
We met while working at a local steakhouse and were drawn together by our common backgrounds and
mutual desire to live in the country and make a living farming.
Thus began My Fine Homestead. "My"- the first syllable of Meyer and "Fine" - the first syllable of Feiner to signify our partnership and "Homestead" as a reminder that a focus on being small and diversified connects us to the values inherent in our rural roots -- sustainability, neighborliness, respect for the animals, all growing out of love for our land, community, and family.
Since then our family has been growing to include our sons Liam and Aidan and our daughter Marlee. All pitch in and help, but Aidan is the most involved, and we consider him another partner.
My Fine Homestead truly is a family farm!
